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Verita HR: Your new HR agency in Katowice

Katowice Recruitment

Katowice may not be as well known worldwide as some of the other major Polish cities such as Krakow and Warsaw, but there are plenty of great reasons to live and work here.

Firstly, for many years Katowice has had the lowest unemployment rate in Poland, with an astonishing rate of 1.4% in 2020.

When you consider the normal rate of unemployed people of working age throughout Poland is around 6%, you can see just how impressive this score is.

This is great for people living in Katowice and looking for work, but it can make it hard for employers, with not a large pool of unemployed people to pick from when it comes to filling new roles.

Over the last few years, employers have struggled to find valuable employees, and that’s where a team such as Verita HR come in.

We notice the demand for talented and dedicated professionals and respond by offering our great recruitment services throughout the city of Katowice and beyond.

So, if you’re based in this area of Poland, and you’re hungry for new employees, or if you’re looking to move here and looking for work, why not learn more about us and see what we can do.

We have a wide variety of services available that can take your business to the next level and we may just be the recruitment agency in Katowice that you’ve been looking for.

Who are Verita HR? And why should we be your go-to employment agency in Katowice?

At Verita HR, we believe the best way to handle recruitment is with a wide approach. That’s why we work with brands specialising in many different fields, such as headhunting, HR outsourcing, business branding, HR management, and much more.

We have one goal in mind, to make your processes quicker and easier. Whether your trying to fill vacancies in your business, or looking to take the next step on your career ladder, we have the tools and the team to help.

One of our most popular services in Katowice is HR consulting. This is where our team of experienced professionals can become part of your business and help guide you in making changes, managing your staff, and growing your brand. The results are often a big boost to your business, and there’s no need to spend more money recruiting new full-time staff, as our team can handle all the work you can throw at us.
We are delighted that we can bring out stunning HR services to a great city such as Katowice. Our approach is simple, we focus solely on what you need. We listen to you and take on board the tasks you require us to help with. This allows you to relax and focus on other areas of your business safe in the knowledge everything you need is being handled by us.

If you’re a company looking for a headhunting agency in Katowice, then look no further than Verita HR. We guarantee a quick process from the beginning of the job, right through to the end. How? Well, we start with learning exactly what the client needs, and then go away and build the ideal candidate profile based on just what the client is looking for.

Using this approach, we have risen to the top of the recruitment industry in Katowice, and we never want to stop offering a service that is lightning-fast, and always holding the clients interests as paramount.

Our Clients & Candidates Love Us

We are best rated HR company in Katowice. Our services are recommended by 97% clients and 90% candidates.

Our Efficient Recruitment and HR Services in Katowice

What can an employer from Katowice demand from an HR agency?

Well, at the heart of it all is a quick filling of job vacancies within your business. We fully understand that when business is concerned, time is money, and that’s why with every job, we prepare a detailed plan of our process that will take place when looking at recruiting new staff members.

This plan then forms the cornerstone of our process, and with it to guide us, we are able to get the job done in as quick a time as possible and ensure we are only focusing on hiring the most valuable candidates available. Katowice is a difficult market to find the perfect employee due to the low unemployment mentioned earlier, and that’s why choosing a team such as Verita HR is so important.
Our Katowice recruitment service follows a well-oiled process that we’ve tried and tested over many years. We begin by speaking with you and recognising your needs. We then discuss these needs in detail before working with you to profile the perfect candidate. Once we have that, we can really begin, and we now go away and find you the ideal employee to become an integral part of your business.

We take on all of the responsibilities that come with recruitment, including document verification and conducting job interviews. When we have our final shortlist, we spend some time presenting each candidate to you and discussing just what they can bring to your company. Once you’ve chosen you’re preferred option, we even help with negotiating the terms of employment.

We cover everything, so you don’t have to.

Specialist Headhunting in Katowice

Specjalizujemy się w rekrutacji IT oraz BPO/SSC w Katowicach. Jesteśmy ekspertami od szybkiego wyszukiwania odpowiednich kandydatów na specjalistyczne stanowiska w firmach z branży informatycznej, finansowej czy bankowej.

The Benefits of Outsourcing with Verita HR

By placing your worker recruitment in our hands, you are saving your business time and money. The recruitment process, especially in Katowice, is hard, and it can quickly become costly to your business as you spend months struggling to locate the ideal candidates.

And this is why our recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) service proves so popular. We have a huge group of talented workers at our fingertips, and we can instantly pick out the perfect ones for the role you’re looking to fill.
Our talent pool has experts in many industries, so if you work in technology, IT, or a similar field then we may just have the perfect recruitment service for you.

Our RPO service is among many others in our full list, so even if you’re not looking to outsource right now, and you want someone to become a permanent part of your team, then get in touch and we’re sure to have a way to help.

Efficient Recruitment in Katowice: What We Can Provide

Employment Agency

HR Consulting


Workers Recruitment

Job Agency

HR Company

IT Recruitment

Outsourcing IT



Looking for an Employee


We Make Recruitment Easy

Verita HR is an agency that makes recruiting new, talented, professionals quick and easy. We are always on the lookout for new and innovative methods of acquiring candidates. Using new tactics, and old ones that are tried and tested, we have forged a reputation as one of the best recruitment agencies in Poland.

We have a huge candidate base, packed with all the details we need on some of the best employees in Poland. Included in this pool are specialists in many fields who are more than ready to jump straight into a new challenge.
Our consultants respond to the needs of all employers, no matter the size and stature of your business. Thanks to our agency, the recruitment of the best specialists in Katowice can be easy.

So if you’re based in this region and need a helping hand, don’t hesitate to get in touch and let Verita HR optimise your recruitment process today.

Get in Touch



How to find us

Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. is administrator of personal data. Personal data will be processed with aim of responding to questions given through this contact form. More information about personal data processing, including aims and rights is available in privacy policy.
Inspector of Personal Data Protection​
Maciej Karczmarski email: dane.osobowe@veritahr.com 

st. Puławska 182
02-670 Warsaw
phone: +48 22 264 36 00
email: info@veritahr.com

ul. Wadowicka 3a 30-347 Kraków tel. +48 12 222 00 36 email: info@veritahr.com

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Formularz dla kandydata

Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.:
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.:

Formularz dla pracodawcy

Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.:
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: