Is Warsaw a Good Place to Work?

At Verita HR, we specialise in recruitment in Warsaw. If you are a Poland resident, or looking to move here, check out this guide to see if Warsaw is the place for you.

If you want to work in Poland, you may be wondering ‘is Warsaw a good place to work?’

If you’re unsure on moving to Warsaw to work, and you want to know about the job market, the cost of living, and what do in this wonderful city, then our team at Verita HR have created this page just for you.

Read on to find out how to get a job in Warsaw, which jobs are in demand, and how much they pay.

What is a Good Salary in Warsaw?


In Poland, it is hard to pick a nationwide average salary as it varies so much between different cities.

Warsaw is one of the more expensive cities in Poland, due to it being such an important one that is packed with amenities, entertainment, and high paying jobs.

The average monthly salary in Warsaw is approximately 5000 PLN, which works out at around $1250, but for high skilled jobs you can expect a much higher wage. The salaries in Warsaw are high compared to many other Polish cities.

Whether this will be enough for you is up to you and your current situation, but if you are aiming for highly skilled, specialist jobs such as many of the ones offered through Verita HR, you can certainly look to earn something higher. 

For example, the average salary for an IT manager in Warsaw is around $38000 annually, which is a big leap from the average wage.

This would be a good salary for this region and leave plenty of budget left for rent, the cost of living, and spending on personal items.

Some Facts About Warsaw

Warsaw is nicknamed 'the Pheonix City' due to the amount of times it has faced destruction before fighting back and rising again.

Warsaw is home to the Varso building, which at 310-metres tall is the highest in the whole of Poland.

Warsaw is the capital of Poland, and features the famous old town that has stood since the 13th century.

What Jobs are in Demand in Warsaw?

If you’re wondering what jobs are in demand in Warsaw, the good news it that the city has a wide variety of jobs that need to be filled. 

Jobs such as economists and teachers are always available for both Polish people and foreigners looking to come and start their career in Poland.

One of the best things about Warsaw is how inclusive it is to new people entering the city and taking up roles. If you’re looking to start a new job in finance, IT, or HR, then this is the ideal place to come and earn a  good wage.

Some of these jobs require certain qualifications such as a degree, but there are entry level roles available that provide a way into a company and a competitive wage.

For example, a financial analyst could look to earn around $32,500, and a web developer $31,500.

These jobs are in demand, but it can be tough to find a way through the door and to get your application noticed. And that is where our team at Verita HR come in. Our trained professionals have the tools and the contacts to get your application in front of employers and to keep an eye out for roles that do come up that suit you.

Warsaw is such a large place that there are often an abundance of jobs available in many different sectors, so why not take a chance and take the next step of your career journey in Warsaw with Verita HR.


Is Warsaw a Good Place for Expats?

One of the first things to ask yourself when moving to a new place, is it is it welcoming to expatriates?

Well, the good news is that Poland ranks 29th in the world for its openness to different cultures and nationalities.

Speaking the Language

While it would be best if you learnt some basic Polish to help you get by, this may not be necessary in your job. Warsaw is home to many of the world’s largest companies, especially in industries like banking, so if you’re looking at heading into finance, this could be a great location for you.

 Where do Expats Live in Warsaw?

Expats in Warsaw generally live in one of two districts. There is the central area of Wilanow which is a great area for someone looking to be in the heart of the action.

Living here you can enjoy the hustle and bustle that comes with living in a thriving city, as well as be around many other expats. 

For something a bit quieter, the residential area of Mokotaw makes a great choice. Or, if you don’t mind a bit of a commute, the city of Konstancin sits just to the South of Warsaw and offers some great features for expats, making it a popular spot.


What is the Cost of Living in Warsaw?

An important factor in moving to any new location is how much it will cost to get by.

Rent, food, energy bills, all add up and if your wage doesn’t fully cover it, you can soon find that you’re running our of cash quickly.

The good news is that Warsaw is a whopping 44% cheaper to live in than London, which makes this an affordable place to live compared to the English capital.

If you’re moving alone to work, then you can expect to pay just over £500 a month to get by, if you’re taking a family with you then you can expect to pay more than double this, maybe even triple if you’re counting in childcare.

the Average rent for a one bed apartment is around £600, so you could factor in just over £1000 a month for all expenses. 

Of course, different areas vary in living cost, and some of the more expensive parts will cost more.

How to Get a job in Warsaw

There are several ways to get a job in Warsaw, but by far the most convenient and efficient way is to go through Verita HR.

The reason this is such a good choice is because we are already familiar with the Polish job market. This means that we will speak with you and listen to your needs, your skills, and your limitations. After we get to know you, we will work out the best kind of job for you, before putting you in touch with the people who can help get your Warsaw career started.

For non-EU citizens, a work permit is necessary, but if you’re coming from the UK, you can work here.

Warsaw is a lovely part of Poland and attracts a lot of highly educated and skilled workers. If you want to work here, get in touch with Verita HR and see how we can take your career to the next level in Poland.

Get in Touch

How to Find Us:

Our Warsaw Office

ul. Puławska 182
02-670 Warszawa

ul. Wadowicka 3a
30-347 Kraków 

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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
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Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: