Web3 Recruiting: Why You Need More Than Just a Blockchain Expert

Strona główna » Web3 Recruiting: Why You Need More Than Just a Blockchain Expert

It wasn’t so long ago that Facebook pivoted into all things metaverse. This wasn’t just about the blockchain, but a whole new era of gaming, virtual reality and some clever tech. One of the recruiting team at the leading edge of this new phenomenon is Victoire Duprez, Head of Talent Acquisition US & The Sandbox. The Sandbox is a user-generated, virtual gaming world within the metaverse. The company’s recruitment partner must specialize in Web3. Today we look at why you need more than just a blockchain expert to help you recruit for Web3.

The Web3 movement has been boiling away in the background for several years now. The recent release of the Apple Vision Pro is just a taster for what may be awaiting the world tomorrow. Importantly, Web3 is much more than the price tag of $3,499 for Apple’s new virtual reality headset.

When the first blockchain developer vacancies started to appear online nobody really took much notice. The rise of smart contracts brought Solidity and Rust programming languages. And whilst Mark Zuckerberg’s initial concept of the metaverse was good, it was too early.

However, true recruiters of talent are always looking for the technology of tomorrow. Artificial intelligence, quantum computing, blockchain and now virtual reality. Or augmented reality. Add to that the concept of NFTs and creating an avatar and finding a specialist recruiting firm suddenly seems hard.

The rise of the Web3 recruitment specialist

One of the leaders in the Web3 recruiting space is Emily Landon, the founder of The Crypto Recruiters. Emily runs a sophisticated technology recruitment business and attends some of the biggest events related to Web3. For some insight have a look at a recent meeting she hosted:

Whilst many of us still need to use LinkedIn to source and network, there are other channels to be aware of. One of them is Messari where you can find regular updates about funding in the Web3 and crypto space. This is also when you need to start exploring discord. This is where you can more easily interact with stakeholders representing the newest and upcoming Web3 companies.

From Fintech to Web3

There is a huge difference between Fintech and Web3. Fintech is mainly about payments and occasionally about digital identity and verification. Web3 is far more intricate and there are much fewer specialist representing this new industry sector. Importantly, Web3 took place after Fintech was already a big catchphrase globally.

In the UK there are a total of 800 people listed on LinkedIn as involved in Web3 recruitment or Web3 talent. In the U.S. the number isn’t much higher, with maybe 900 people listed in total. Poland, one of Europe’s main tech hubs, has around 250 people listed. The numbers are starting to grow, but still only reflect a very small percentage of the recruiting industry.

One of the differentiators between a Fintech and a Web3 recruiter is where they attend events. Some of the biggest events focusing on Web3 are based in the U.S. For instance Consensus in Texas this May or ETHDenver taking place next week. Both of these events are magnets for candidates, clients, and recruiters alike. Emily is already preparing her trip to Colorado to attend ETHDenver.

For Fintech recruiters the events to keep an eye on are Money 20/20, SXSW, or Singapore Fintech Festival. A very different type of event that often overlaps with Web3 but doesn’t specialize in the metaverse.

What to expect from a Web3 specialist recruitment partner in Poland

Poland has been an emerging Web3 market for many years. Market leaders like Coinfirm, Ramp, or Tokenguard are just some examples of the startups that were founded in Poland. There have also been blockchain developer roles advertised in the Central Eastern European market since 2018. Yet only a handful of recruiters or agencies specialize in everything DLT.

But when it comes to Web3 recruiting there is still a small gap in the market. Yes, there are very sophisticated games companies like CD Projekt Red and others in Poland. There are also crypto and digital assets companies. However, with Web3 you need a mix of both. A gaming developer may not know everything about the metaverse. Whilst a blockchain developer will not be a specialist in creating avatars and real estate in the Sandbox. They can be cross trained. Why would you do that though when there is a whole dearth of Web3 talent scattered around the world used to freelancing and working remotely?

Why Verita HR’s recruiting team specializes in Web3

At Verita HR our teams started supporting blockchain companies back in 2017. Verita HR was one of the first recruitment companies to advertise and work with candidates in crypto. Candidates who understood Ethereum, smart contracts, blockchain bridges, cryptography, and related skills. Klaudia Archimowicz, Head of Growth at Verita HR, has also been very active in events across Europe and the United States. Last year she attended NFT Week in Miami for instance. Klaudia was also on stage at the European Metaverse Awards and the U.S. Metaverse Awards.

However, one of Klaudia’s more important projects was helping to create the online presence of Black Tech Day in the UK. An event that promotes Web3 as a career choice for young people:

You can find out more about this project here.

Choose a recruitment partner that specializes in Web3. Reach out to the specialists at Verita HR or drop Klaudia a line on LinkedIn or X.

#Web3 #VeritaHR #RecruitmentPartner #NFT #Talent #Metaverse

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The future of recruiting with NFTs in the Metaverse | Disruption Banking

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