Why your Recruiter is more than just your Pen Pal

Strona główna » Why your Recruiter is more than just your Pen Pal

The latest generation of employees are very different from those that came before. Most of them prefer to type and not talk. With recruitment things have changed too. Recruiters from agencies all over the world have become digital nomads. Others, who have stayed nearer to their homes, have also been less inclined to meet candidates. However, this doesn’t mean that your recruiter has now become just another pen pal.

Layoffs across the tech industry have been in the news for the last twelve months and more. Interestingly, it is exactly these tech industry workers that were the hardest to meet in the past. Sitting in their dark rooms coding away they rarely had the patience to get out of the house or office and meet a recruiter. However, with no sign of lay offs stopping, are these same tech workers the ones who need a recruiter more than ever?

Once famed for meeting every single candidate face-to-face, Michael Page has had to adapt. On the website of the leading recruiter there is no longer an insistence that candidates are met in person. In fact, there is little mention of meeting candidates face-to-face on Google since the pandemic in 2020. Has this led to recruiters become more like pen pals?

Why your Recruiter shouldn’t be your Pen Pal

According to the Collins English dictionary the definition of a pen pal is “someone you write friendly letters to and receive letters from, although the two of you may never have met”. Sound familiar? Based on some of the interactions that happen on LinkedIn each and every day, yes.

Much like the battle that employers are facing getting employees to come back to the office, there is a problem getting candidates to meet their recruiters in person. Of course, some might suggest that this is down to a candidate-driven market. But is that really the underlying problem?

A candidate-driven market is something that affects all employers. It is when the candidate is in the driving seat and can demand whatever they want. According to the latest data from Statista there is a shortage of talent in countries like Poland. But the biggest candidate driven times, like in 2021, are behind us now.

According to Statista, European employers are finding it harder to attract and retain staff with the right skill-set. Job vacancies are growing. Germany is highlighted as a country where shortage of workers is a particular challenge. Interestingly, software development is still listed as an area where skilled workers are in short supply. Even with the backdrop of global layoffs in tech.

Importantly, soon 25% of all people in the EU will have reached retirement age. This means that the need to upskill and learn how to adapt has become even more urgent. This is an area that recruiters are well positioned to help with. If candidates stop treating them like pen pals and more like the consultants that they are.

What are the potential benefits of meeting your Recruiter in Person?

Recruiters have access to a lot of market data that is normally the domain of strategic consultancies like McKinsey. They have access to trends in salaries. But, most importantly, they have their finger on the pulse and can easily spot any changes in the market.

Whether it’s understanding how the latest legislation might affect your job prospects or which new company is opening, your recruiter is there to help you.

LinkedIn Learning is a tool that many candidates are using today to help reskill.

Whilst this is a good start, employers will often want more. MIT Open Learning is a more sophisticated platform that candidates may want to check. Your recruiter can also help you understand how best to stand out from others online. They do this by advising which courses or certifications can help you get ahead.

These are not necessarily topics that you would discuss with your pen pal. But, if you meet your recruiter in person, you may be surprised.

What can you expect from your in person meeting with your pen pal?

At Verita HR we ensure that our HR projects co-ordinators are furnished with the right market knowledge. Our front-line recruitment team is able to advise candidates on many areas. Be they trends, salaries, new companies opening on the market, and ways to upskill. Our HR projects co-ordinators can also help you strengthen your digital presence and prepare you better for your next interview.

We are living through times during which the market looks less predictable. Today, the whole of Europe is struggling to plan a future. The challenge of an aging population and lack of skilled workers is real. This makes this the most important time to ensure you have a recruiter with you to help.

Additionally, the Verita HR recruitment team can help candidates create a ‘market map’. This map helps employees better navigate the market. It can help them understand what employers are really looking for today. They can also help candidates understand how to interact with potential employers on social media. They are furnished with the latest hints and tips to help you succeed online.

Finally, our HR projects co-ordinators can help you crate a better interview plan. They can help you highlight your strengths and increase your chances of success at your next job interview. They can also help you better understand how competencies are measured by HR people. And they do this for free.

Isn’t it time you changed the relationship with your recruiter? Less pen pal and more strategic career advisor?

#Penpal #Recruiter #VeritaHR #Trends #Career

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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
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Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.:

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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
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Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: