Polish Data Scientists Wanted

Strona główna » Polish Data Scientists Wanted

It has been well over a year since Open AI’s ChatGPT hit the market. During that time the need to use data better has gone into hyperdrive. Companies all over the world are working overtime to sort and clear their data to better implement artificial intelligence. Poland is one of the countries where one can find a host of countries upskilling their teams with data professionals. Today we explore the companies recruiting data scientists in Poland today.

The saying that ‘Data is the new Gold’ is now becoming a cliché. Another common saying is how artificial intelligence is not here to replace our jobs. Artificial intelligence is here to help us be better at our jobs. To create the right sequences and prompts for any artificial intelligence tool one needs to really understand data. Not only how it is used, but where it came from. Is the data clean, and is it relevant for what your company needs to communicate? To best undertake this companies need data engineers, data scientists, data governance experts and a host of other data-related professionals.

Which companies have the largest amount of data professionals employed in Poland today?

There are 16,000 people listed as data engineers in Poland data according to LinkedIn. Some of the employers they represent are Allegro, Capgemini, HSBC, Heineken, AON, Onwelo, and GFT Technologies. Engineers employed by these companies work across Poland. However hotspots are in Warsaw and Krakow, but also in Wroclaw, Lodz, Poznan and the Tricity area.

When it comes to data scientists, there is some overlap in the duties that a scientist and an engineer perform. Yet there are still substantially fewer profiles on LinkedIn representing data scientists in Poland, only 7,400 results appear. Companies like Allegro are also dominant as employers of data scientists. However, companies like ING Hubs Poland and UBS are more prominent as employers of data scientists. Whilst Heineken, HSBC and Capgemini are some of the other bigger employers.

Data governance roles are much less popular. Today there are around 4,000 professionals in Poland that represent this space. However, going by global trends, it is data governance professionals that should be in higher demand. According to a recent LinkedIn report, this role is going to be more in demand than that of a data engineer soon.

Trends affecting the rise in demand for Data Scientists

The CEO of Nvidia highlighted how it shouldn’t just be private companies who can take advantage of the AI boom. Jensen Huang, who currently represents one of the most valuable companies in the world, recently stated how every country should develop its own AI systems. This means that in some regions of the world the public sector will be joining the battle for data talent.

Today, in Poland, this trend is not yet obvious. Apart from the usual GDPR-related data roles in Poland today there are only a handful of professionals with substantial data experience who represent the public sector. One government department where data professionals work is the Ministry of Digitalization, not surprisingly. The only other mention of data was at the Ministry of Health. Clearly the predictions of the CEO of Nvidia have yet to take affect on the Polish public sector.

A brief look at a few of the websites of Polish government ministries like the Finance Ministry shows a lack of job roles for data professionals today.

Who are the companies recruiting Data Scientists in Poland today?

According to Glassdoor there are 162 data scientist roles being sought for in Poland today. Pracuj.pl, Poland’s leading jobsite, lists 277 roles for data scientists today. The numbers are not as compelling as one would think bearing in mind the backdrop of demand globally. And the numbers are not related to just data scientists. Most of the roles listed are for engineers or analysts. They happen to also include some of the duties of a scientist.

Companies bucking the trend and still recruiting include Pracuj.pl themselves. InPost and State Street in Krakow are two of the companies looking for data scientists. PwC and Standard Chartered in Warsaw are other examples of companies recruiting for data scientists. The selection on Glassdoor is more generous than the offerings on Pracuj.pl. Allegro, Dyson, Accenture, PKO, JP Morgan and a host of others have data scientists vacancies listed on the site today.

One of the more interesting roles listed today is that of a Treasury Data Scientist at Mastercard’s Treasury Centre of Excellence. In fact, the largest percentage of companies recruiting for data scientists in Poland today represent the financial services sector. And this trend is set to continue.

Working with a reliable partner for recruitment who understands data in Poland

At Verita HR we are currently recruiting for a variety of data roles from data engineers to data analysts. This is partially due to Verita HR’s long history of working with financial institutions and blockchain startups in Poland. Since 2018 the team at Verita HR has worked on over 250 roles specific to data. Whether it be data engineers or data security analysts or big data. At Verita HR, HR projects co-ordinators are adept at reaching out and building relationships. Especially with the most talented data professionals in Poland today.

Reach out to the professionals at Verita HR today. Make sure you harness the available talent related to data in Poland by working with a reliable recruitment partner. The future is data. The future is now.

#artificialintelligence #data #datascience #dataengineering #recruitment #VeritaHR

See Also:

Which companies are recruiting artificial intelligence specialists in Poland today? – Verita HR

Web3 Recruiting: Why You Need More Than Just a Blockchain Expert – Verita HR

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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
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