From AI to Quantum Computing: Key Takeaways from the ASPIRE Leaders’ Summit 2024
The first-ever ASPIRE Conference took place in 2013. The team at Verita HR remembers the event, because we were there. This year’s event was a little different though. It was the first ASPIRE conference since the Boomtown event in 2019. The topics were as strong as always. But did the ASPIRE Leaders’ Summit go beyond […]
The Premium Human Resources Event in Poland – Kongres Kadry
There are several Human Resources organizations in Poland today. HR Influencers, Polskie Stowarzyszenia Zarzadzanie Kadramy (PSZK), or Polskie Stowarzyszenie HR to name a few. When it comes to events though, there is a much larger selection of events. That’s why we wanted to focus on the premium human resources event in Poland, known as Kongres […]