Poland Recruitment Process Outsourcing


Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is the combination of two of our expert services, recruitment and outsourcing.

The recruitment process can be tricky. With lots of different employees to consider and mounds of CVs and applications to work through, it takes a lot of time and effort to find the perfect candidate.

With RPO, you hand over the entire recruitment process to our team.

Not only does this save you plenty of time, but it also helps find the perfect candidate, as all of our team are highly trained and experienced in specialist recruitment.

We can cover a part of, or the entire recruitment strategy of our clients, taking your search from the moment the job application is made to the moment the new recruit signs the contract and gets to work.
We are comprehensive and efficient in our approach to picking out the perfect candidates, showcasing them to you and your business, whether you work in Krakow, Warsaw, or beyond, and working out the details of employment.

What makes us so great is that we never settle for anything but the best. Our team are constantly set new key performance indicators (KPIs) to make sure they are at the top of their game. We also undertake regular training and set client SLAs that we ensure we will stick to.

Whatever our client needs, we can adapt our style of work to suit them and their industry, ensuring a smooth working relationship and a successful recruitment every time.

Our RPO Achievements

Full RPO. We enlisted a team of 16 people to work for a Krakow delivery service. It's now been 4 years and the recruitment for the company has ever been better.
2 of our team were set a huge task of building an entire cybersecurity team for an established global brand. They needed a whopping 55 new recruits, and only 6 months later, we are proud to say 90% of the roles had been filled by suitable and talented employees.
We sent 1 team member to a global SSC finance centre, and the work they did meant the company could move away from 4 external providers and now undertake all recruitment through Verita HR, saving them time, money, and hassle.

Our Verita HR Capital Group Companies Offering RPO

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How to find us

Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. is administrator of personal data. Personal data will be processed with aim of responding to questions given through this contact form. More information about personal data processing, including aims and rights is available in privacy policy.
Inspector of Personal Data Protection​
Maciej Karczmarski email: dane.osobowe@veritahr.com 

st. Puławska 182
02-670 Warsaw
phone: +48 22 264 36 00
email: info@veritahr.com

ul. Wadowicka 3a 30-347 Kraków tel. +48 12 222 00 36 email: info@veritahr.com

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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.:
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.:

Formularz dla pracodawcy

Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.:
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: