Verita HR: Recruitment Agency in Wrocław Recommended by 97% of Our Clients

Here at Verita HR, we operate right across Poland, not just in the major cities of Krakow and Warsaw.

One of our other locations is Wrocław.

When people think of Wrocław, they think of a city that is heavily associated with entrepreneurship.

Wrocław is the capital of Lower Silesia, and thousands of companies operate throughout this area. These range from small, one-person businesses, and partnerships beginning their journey to becoming established businesses, and successful commercial companies.

 There is one thing that ties all of these companies together, and that’s finding the right workers to allow their company to grow. 

Recruitment isn’t easy, and when the demand for workers is high, it gets even harder. That’s why professional recruitment services such as Verita HR are growing more and more in popularity.

No matter the size of your business, whether you already have 100 employees, or only 1, our team of experienced headhunters in Wrocław has a comprehensive recruitment service that is perfect for you. 

Take a look throughout this page to see how you can benefit from working with one of the most renowned HR agencies in Wrocław.

Comprehensive HR care in Wrocław

Our HR company in Wrocław offers a wide array of services. 

We provide much more than just recruitment, we also offer HR consultancy, HR outsourcing, and help manging your team, no matter how big or small it is. 

We will be there for you and your business, supporting you through your entire business journey. We listen to you and evaluate the key areas that require improvement in your company. Whether that is helping with employment, cutting down your costs, or helping your business grow and scale, our team have the personnel and the tools to help.

Instead of hiring new staff, we have experts who can be outsourced to your team and help you get through any issues that arise.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing 

Our RPO service is famous throughout Poland for being of the highest quality. We recommend this to all employers looking for a bit of support in quickly and accurately pinpointing and targeting the highest quality employees on the market.

Our service allows you to move all responsibilities linked to recruiting new workers to our employment agent in Wrocław. 

From there, our team will work their magic, and free you up to focus on other tasks, knowing the best possible people are in charge of finding you the best new employees available.


The Benefits of Working With Verita HR

Our recruitment process always begins with us getting to know you and your business needs. 

We listen to you and find out the profile of worker you are looking to hire. Everything from age to ability is taken into account as we build an image of your ideal employee.

After we have created a detailed candidate profile, our search begins, and our team waste no time sifting through our vast talent pool and locating the best workers for the job.

Our methods are tried and tested throughout Europe, and we guarantee a recruitment service that is efficient and accurate. We can promise that your vacancy will be quickly filled by a talented and dedicated individual who is more than ready to bring something to your business. 

And we don’t just find this person, we help negotiate individual employment and help you get to know them, all as part of our recruitment outsourcing process.

Something You Should Know


Things You Should Know About Us


A common issue for businesses is that they need help, but they aren’t in a great position to hire some new, permanent, full-time staff. If this sounds familiar, then let me introduce you to our worker outsourcing service. 

Our talent pool is vast, and consists of around 2000 workers, all with expertise in various fields. We allow only the best employees to become part of our pool, and have a wealth of workers who are proficient in highly specialized roles. 

If you’re based in Wrocław and you need someone to fill a role in IT, for example, we can provide access to contract workers who can come into your business and make a big difference straight away. 

If this sounds interesting, then simply fill in the forms below and let us know your requirements. Our team can then get to work picking out the ideal employee to take on a role in your business for however long you require their talents.

HR Consulting in Wrocław: Investment that is Always Beneficial

Verita HR is growing a reputation for being highly effective in conducting a quick and accurate recruitment service.

But that’s not all we can provide.

We also offer a specialist HR consulting service in Wrocław.

What does this mean?

Well, we will work with you and your staff in solving staff problems that inevitably arise every now and then.

Our team of experienced HR experts will provide solutions to all issues, as well as help manage your team and ensure that all staff are content and being treated fairly. 

We can offer workers to visit your premises, but also provide remote teams if you need them, meaning our clients can be quick and flexible when it comes to meeting the demands of your company’s HR.

Verita HR | Highly-Rated Headhunting Agency in Wrocław

The interest in our headhunting services in Wrocław is rapidly growing. 

This is because we can pinpoint workers specialised in narrow fields and quickly add them to your business. 

If you’re looking for employees with unique qualifications and abilities not found in most candidates, then our service may be the one for you. 

We guarantee we will be focused on bringing in staff, ranging from high-level managers to experts in their fields, and will only find appropriate employees to bolster your business.

Through multiple years of experience, our strong business position, and some great partnerships throughout Poland, we have built a team that can reach the best candidates throughout the country.

Whether they’re looking to change roles, or it’s not even on their mind right now, we can find them and pique their interest.

From the moment we get in touch, we will help to build a positive image of your brand and convince the worker to become part of your exciting team.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, then get in touch with our team today.

Our Recruitment Offerings in Wrocław

Wrocław Recruitment for All Industries

Why is it worth betting on our recruitment agency? 

Well, we are the most well-trusted and highest-rated company offering these services in Wrocław, and we know what great service we can provide.

We specialise in selecting candidates in the field of finance, investment banking, IT, and we even realise SSC and BPO recruitments, meaning we cover a huge field of specialist business.

The talented employees you need are only a few clicks away, so don’t hesitate in allowing Verita HR to help you.

We have the knowledge, personnel, and the tools all ready to provide a quick and easy recruitment process. Our team are constantly looking at new methods of headhunting so they can constantly improve and stay on top of this competitive business. 

You already know our clients love us, and we’re sure you will to, so get in touch today and let us find your new favourite employee.

Get In Touch

Where to Find Us:

ul. Puławska 182
02-670 Warszawa

ul. Wadowicka 3a
30-347 Kraków 

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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.: 
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: 

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Formularz dla kandydata

Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.: 
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: