Verita HR hosts CryptoThursday with Kryptonite in Krakow

Strona główna » Verita HR hosts CryptoThursday with Kryptonite in Krakow

It was a warm evening in Krakow when the team from Verita HR first came across Kryptonite in a small bar called Galileo. It was small, it was cozy, and it was all about distributed ledger technology. Attendees ranged from those already in blockchain, to those looking to get into blockchain. There were even some retail investors. Importantly, later this month Verita HR will host Kryptonite at its offices in Krakow for the second time. The event is called CryptoThursday.  

If you haven’t attended a Kryptonite event yet, then its not too late. The organizers are Jakub Wasek, Karolina Walas and Krzysztof Jachura. The organization was created in January 2023.

It has also filled a vacuum left by Crypto@Cracow which was the main forum for those interested in crypto until now. The Crypto@Cracow meetup group is of particular significance due to the number of members. As of today that membership stands at 1,745. It shows how much interest there is in digital assets in Krakow today.

What can you expect at CryptoThursday this August?

There will be beer, some finger food, and access to one of Krakow’s most prestigious office locations. This month’s CryptoThursday will also feature some renowned speakers. One of them will be Dmytro Morozov, CTO of codefunded services in Krakow, who will focus his speech around the “Account Abstraction and its Adoption”. Dmytro has participated in 30 tokenization projects and will share his experiences, both good and bad, with attendees.

Another speaker is Andy Samu, Editor-at-Large at DisruptionBanking, based out of London. DisruptionBanking is the ninth most popular fintech newswire in the world today. Its readership is mainly based in the U.S. and the UK, where Andy regularly attends events related to digital assets. DisruptionBanking is a media partner of Elevandi of Singapore and the Texas Blockchain Council. The newswire has been providing disruptive content since May 2018 and has a readership of over 50,000 per month.

Topics you can expect to hear about include real world assets, Ethereum Virtual Machine, central banking digital currencies, and some of the soundbites that are affecting the U.S. election specifically.

Who Should Attend CryptoThursday?

Krakow is home to some 60,000 IT specialists. 63% of the Krakow IT talent pool has over 5 years of professional experience. 83% of these specialists have worked in international organizations. 38% of them are employed by U.S. firms. However, the largest share of IT specialists in Krakow work for HSBC, Europe’s largest bank.

HSBC as well as the U.S. financial institutions located in Krakow are all starting to embrace blockchain technology. This month HSBC posted its first blockchain developer role:

The buzzword in 2023 may have been artificial intelligence. However, 2024 looks to be the year when blockchain technology regains momentum. This has been exemplified by the growth in popularity of blockchains like the Canton Network, Quant, Internet Computer (ICP) or Hedera.

In the early days of blockchain it was all about Ethereum, Avalanche, Solana or Cardano. Today other players are staking their claim of being the most advanced blockchains. Both from a governance perspective, as well as from a utility perspective.

If you are serious about becoming a leader in the technology space in Krakow, it is critical for you to stay ahead of the trends. It isn’t too late to get involved.

Why Verita HR is embracing Digital Assets and Disruption

In November 2018 Verita HR supported an event with HSBC and DisruptionBanking in Krakow. The event was attended by over 300 software developers. There was standing room only, whilst some attendees couldn’t get into the actual conference room. The event placed the spotlight on a trillion-dollar global industry. The catchphrase was “Innovate or fall behind”.

Today the need for this type of event is paramount to the continued success of Krakow. Online events might be more easily accessible than before. ETHWarsaw is growing in stature. However, the opportunities to network and grow your network amongst blockchain specialists in Krakow today is limited.

Verita HR’s teams have always tried to be “One Step Ahead”. The opportunity to partner with Kryptonite in order to bring wider acceptance and understanding of blockchain in Krakow is key to the mission of one of Poland’s leading recruitment businesses.

Does your recruitment partner engage with the digital assets market? Do you want to talk to the specialists at Verita HR to find out more?

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If you are looking for a role in financial services, then click here.

#cryptoforcruz #Poland #Crypto #Bitcoin #EVM #RWA #VeritaHR #Blockchain #Krakow

Content at Verita HR News is brought to you in collaboration with the editorial team at Magazyn Rekruter. Magazyn Rekruter, a brand within Verita HR Group in Poland, is the longest standing recruitment and human resources industry magazine in Central Eastern Europe. The first issue was published in March 2010. Find out more at: Portal Branży HR i Biznesu (

See Also:

Who is the Best Fintech Recruitment Business in Poland? – Verita HR

Who are the Most Influential Blockchain Leaders in Poland Today? – Verita HR

How Popular is Blockchain Technology in Poland today? – Verita HR

Looking for more details? Here is the link to register for the event for free:

CryptoThursday: Kryptonite x VeritaHR – crypto hangout with speakers, czw., 29 sie 2024, 18:00 | Meetup

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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
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Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: