Who are the most influential Data professionals in Poland today?

Strona główna » Who are the most influential Data professionals in Poland today?

The Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit takes place in a few weeks. Speakers include a wide variety of the most influential data professionals in Poland today. To compliment the Polish influencers there are also a handful of international data professionals speaking at the summit. Today we investigate who the most influential data professionals in Poland today.   

There are several events taking place in Poland this year focusing on the topic of data. Another event is the Data Economy Congress that takes place this month. It is a bi-annual event with input from the founder of InPost, Rafal Brzoska. Rafal is a member of the Advisory Board of the event. He is joined by other prominent industry leaders like Marek Zamlynski, Head of Data Analytics, CEE & CIS, Google Cloud, and Jaroslaw Krolewski, the Founder of Synerise. The three gentlemen are just some of the most influential figures who are knowledgeable about data in Poland today.

The Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit doesn’t have an advisory board listed like the Data Economy Congress. It does, however, have a list of organizers which includes Nvidia, Allegro, and organizations like Women in Technology Poland. It also has a ‘Selection Committee’ which again includes someone from InPost. Tomasz Burzynski, Chief Data Officer at InPost.

What are the main topics at the Data events this March and April?

Being an influencer in the data space and being a speaker at a data event doesn’t necessarily mean that all influencers are speakers or that all speakers are influencers. Many influencers won’t necessarily have time to showcase what they are doing. Whereas many speakers might work with data professionals but are not necessarily data professionals.

Panels and talks offer a way to gauge the level of insight that speakers offer. Keynotes at the Big Data Summit include Joyce Lee, who is a member of technical staff at OpenAI. Topics include ChatGPT, Generative AI, Agile Data, Machine Learning Techniques, and decentralized data governance. There are many more, but it provides a great overview.

At the Data Economy Congress topics are more specific to ESG, the digitization process of Polish public institutions, cybersecurity, GDPR, or Quantum computing. There are fewer international speakers at the Congress. The event also seems to be more focused on Poland specific topics than the Summit.

Both events offer a very good overview about the current state of play when it comes to data. And both offer delegates the chance to hone their knowledge of all things data.

Why are Synerise and InPost so important for the Data Economy in Poland?

Last year ChatGPT was starting to become a household name. At the time, InPost was one of the first companies in Poland to initiate recruitment for a ‘Prompt Engineer’.


InPost may have been one of the first companies to advertise for a prompt engineer. But, more importantly, InPost has been playing with artificial intelligence since late 2017. It was then that Rafal Brzoska press released a story about how to interact with the company’s chatbot.

With Synerise the investment into all things AI started even earlier. In a story from June 2017 Jaroslaw Krolewski was quoted by Money.pl as wanting to hire 150 data science professionals.

Since then Synerise has been listed in the Financial Times at least twice amongst the ranking of Europe’s fastest-growing companies. Last years rankings put Synerise at 191st in Europe. This makes the company the 11th fastest-growing company in Poland as 10 other Polish firms rank higher. For now.

Both Synerise and InPost have focussed their talent acquisition in Krakow. Next to many multinational companies who are doing similar things.

Who are the Speakers you should look out for at the Summit and the Congress?

Our team had a good look at the two events mentioned above. From amongst the speakers at the Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit the standout speaker was Adam Kawa, CEO and Co-founder of GetinData. It’s no accident that so many of his team are also helping on stage during the event. Adam has over 12,000 followers on LinkedIn. He is head and shoulders above the next most followed speaker at the event.

Other speakers worth following are Kuba Soltys, Solutions Architect at Bank Millennium who has almost 5,000 followers. Kacper Lukawski, Founder and Chairman of the AI Embassy in Krakow is another speaker with 4,000 followers or more. Finally Wojtek Ptak, Head of Engineering at Revolut Business is another well followed speaker. The last two have heavy links to Krakow too.


The Biggest Data Influencers are speaking at the Data Economy Congress this year

When it comes to the Data Economy Congress the speaker line-up is slightly different. One of the speakers is Jaroslaw Krolewski who has a huge following on multiple channels. Just on LinkedIn he has over 41,000 followers. Another speaker, Anna Strezynska, the former Minister of Digital Affairs in Poland, has 38,000 followers.

If you thought that Jaroslaw and Anna were influencers, then there are more. In fact, Paula Januszkiewicz, Founder and CEO of CQURE Inc. is the most influential speaker with over 42,000 followers. It’s important to note that Paula resides in New York. Artur Kurasinski, Founder and CEO of Spellarena has over 37,000 followers. Lukasz Grala, Founder and CTO of AI4.BIO has 30,000 followers.

Andrzej Osinski, CEE Head of Sales and Commercial Director of Dun & Bradstreet has 16,000 followers. Liga Kornowska, Chairman of the Board at the Data Lake has 11,000.

Marcin Petrykowski, CEO of Atende, has been a speaker at events over the years and has over 9,000 followers. Szymon Walach, Vice President Digital & Strategy at InPost, has a following of over 8,000. And one of our favourites from various interviews with Magazyn Rekruter. Grzegorz Pawlicki, Chief Information Officer at HDI Embedded has just over 3,250 followers.

What about the Public Sector?

The Data Economy Congress differs from the Summit because of a plethora of public sector speakers at the event. The President of the Polish Personal Data Protection Office will be joined by the current President and Public Affairs representative of the Polish Government Statistical Office.

Supporting speakers representing the public sector is Radoslaw Mackiewicz, General Director of the Centralny Osrodek Informatyki. An organization that in Polish translates as Central Information Technology Discipline. It is the largest Polish company sourcing tech specialists for the public sector in Poland today.

The Future of Data in Poland

The above list doesn’t cover the amount of work that has been carried out in Poland. It is a lot of teamwork between event organizers, speakers and individuals in the market making the data economy work. Importantly these types of events are needed in Poland. Especially as so many Western countries continue to look to Poland for all things Tech and outsourcing.

Jaroslaw Krolewski summed up the need for a data event on his profile on X (formerly known as Twitter) recently. In his post he congratulated the organizers of the Data Economy Congress for evolving the event to meet the evolving needs of the market. Jaroslaw highlighted how it was important for the market that data professionals in Poland have a forum to meet and exchange ideas.


At Verita HR we follow the biggest trends in the market. Whether it be Web3 or Artificial Intelligence or Quantum Computing, all these technologies have a lot to with data. Stay abreast of the market. Follow Verita HR’s News section today.

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