Merry Christmas from Verita HR’s Team in Poland – Why Traditions and Culture are Important

Strona główna » Merry Christmas from Verita HR’s Team in Poland – Why Traditions and Culture are Important

When Verita HR first opened in 2010 the company needed to create a culture. Much like any company in the world, the strength of a company’s internal traditions can have a profound affect on a company’s success. One of those traditions is to wish clients, candidates, and colleagues a Merry Christmas each year. Today’s story will be a little something special to all our readers from Verita HR’s team in Poland.

In 2024 an article appeared on the McKinsey website. In the story the authors highlighted how “an inclusive culture is now a must for companies that want to meet talent, performance, and productivity objectives.” The story went on to highlight five bold moves that can help leaders to accelerate the process of turning around their cultures. Interestingly, most of these moves are already in place at Verita HR. Maybe they could be in place within your organization too?

Show, Don’t Tell

It’s an important consideration. Since Verita HR started it has been a vital part of the culture to Show, and not Tell employees what to do. To focus on engaging team members. There is even a sign highlighting the need to Show, Don’t Tell, at the reception in the Warsaw office. McKinsey has confirmed that senior leaders need to actively expose individuals to ideas and best practices they might not have considered.

Don’t Assign – enroll

At Verita HR team members are enrolled into various groups. Be they related to a specific customer or a specific function within the company. The collaboration between the Key Account Management team and the recruitment and payroll functions is one of the best examples of enrolling support from within. McKinsey believes that voluntary enrolment into initiatives within the organization is key. Always question the status quo.

Shake it up – all of it

There is a need for constant revision of traditions within a company. What was good for employee engagement in 2012, won’t necessarily be fit for purpose in 2024. It was with this in mind that in 2024 a new tradition came into place. Initially just for the payroll team members. Some of whom have been with Verita HR for more than five years. In 2024 things changed. From this year onwards the high performing payroll team have multiple annual visits to Krakow as well as one to London. This initiative is set to be increased to other high performing teams in 2025.

Connect the dots

McKinsey believes there are hidden influencers in all organizations. These are individuals who can have an outsize impact on their colleagues’ actions and behaviours. At Verita HR there are several hidden influencers too. They are recognized, their help and support is constantly enlisted in all major activities within the organization.

Remember, it’s personal

The final point that McKinsey made in the story was how employees need a lot of support when the organization is going through change. Especially their minds, bodies, and spirits. In 2024 Verita HR as an organization has focused on external support for its employees. However, this has come with one big pre-requisite. That the employees who are supported are high performers. The days of people who shout the loudest getting the most attention is slowly coming to an end. Today the focus is on the future, and the team members best suited in achieving success in the future.

There may be areas that still need improving at Verita HR. No organization is perfect. However, an organization that knows what it needs to compete. Knows what it takes to succeed. And has a plan. Is the organization that most people want to work for.

What is Unique about Verita HR’s Culture?

It’s not that Verita HR’s culture is unique or not. It’s that it is bespoke. The company has its roots in the United Kingdom, but most of the work the company completes is in Poland with Polish stakeholders. This has seen an unusual evolution of a mixed British Polish culture today.

There is a Christmas tree just like anywhere else: 

But there are also far more other elements that make the difference. Some of these are highlighted below:

  • Business Health Check and Employee Satisfaction Survey
  • Bi-Annual Employee Awards Ceremony and Company Party
  • Employees are encouraged to focus on their online footprint – Posting on social media as well as generating content form part of weekly and daily activities
  • Fintech, Candidate Management and Business Planning form part of the Onboarding Process
  • From the onset of the company there have been foreign nationals working for Verita HR. This continues today
  • There is a focus on engaging with a diverse base of freelancers
  • Verita HR remains a staunch ally and member of ASPIRE in Krakow
  • Graduate EA Program Best in Class in Poland

These are just some of the traditions that make Verita HR different. But they aren’t all the traditions in place. There are more traditions that are related to Verita HR’s clients specifically.

How Does Verita HR Include Clients Within its’ Culture?

Most of Verita HR’s clients are not Polish. Some of them are British, American, Korean, Chinese, the list goes on. All of them have had to accommodate the needs of the local Polish employee base. There is a common need to ensure that both Verita HR and its clients work in conjunction.

The focus on clients at Verita HR forms an integral part of company culture.

  • the culture of Verita HR’s clients is taken into consideration when appointing account managers, recruiters, or payroll specialists
  • There is a continued focus on training on client culture, financial results, social media, press releases within Verita HR

As many of the clients of Verita HR have a policy about receiving gifts, this can often lead to the need for creativity. In 2024 the team at Verita HR didn’t disappoint. Clients were given Lego to help them celebrate the festive season with their families:

It’s the season of cheer. Christmas is a time for family, a time to strengthen bonds within a family. At Verita HR we believe that our employees form part of a family. Ensuring that traditions are in place is essential in maintaining and developing a company culture.

The team at Verita HR wishes all our clients, employees, and candidates a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2025!

Would you like to work with the Verita HR team? If so, get in touch with the team to find out how they can help you. Recruiting, outsourcing or even through a recruitment process outsourcing model.

Verita HR offers services including RPO | Permanent Recruitment | Outsourcing | Media Services

#culture #traditions #poland #veritahr #Christmas

About Verita HR News

Content at Verita HR News is brought to you in collaboration with the editorial team at Magazyn Rekruter. Magazyn Rekruter, a brand within Verita HR Group in Poland, is the longest standing recruitment and human resources industry magazine in Central Eastern Europe. The first issue was published in March 2010. Find out more at: Portal Branży HR i Biznesu (

See Also:

How HRO Digital Became a Leading Tech Recruiter in Poland – Verita HR

How Verita HR Embraces ESG and Sustainability – Verita HR

Why Verita HR joined the ASPIRE ecosystem in Krakow – Verita HR

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Formularz dla kandydata

Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.: 
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: 

Formularz dla pracodawcy

Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.: 
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: