How Popular is Blockchain Technology in Poland today?

Strona główna » How Popular is Blockchain Technology in Poland today?

Some people call it blockchain, others call it distributed ledger technology (DLT). But the truth is that anything Web3 will need to be underpinned by blockchain technology. With the rise of artificial intelligence it may seem that the metaverse has gone on hold. Especially when you consider how Mark Zuckerberg has also changed his approach to Web3. However, when Apple released it’s Vision Pro last year it made it clear that the metaverse is still on the agenda. Today we look at how popular blockchain technology is in Poland.

One of the first people to popularise the concept of Bitcoin in Poland was Maciej Ziolkowski. In 2015 Maciej spoke about Bitcoin at a TEDxOstroleka talk. It was one of the first times that someone had spoken out about cryptocurrencies and the underlying technology, blockchain, in Poland.

Fast forward a few years and companies like Coinfirm started to appear on the Polish market. PwC showed interest in the new startup creating a safer blockchain economy. Coinfirm did this by being at the forefront of crypto AML compliance, analytics, and illicit asset tracing as early as 2018. However, Coinfirm was acquired by Lukka last year. It still maintains a small presence in Poland.

Who are some of the leaders of the Polish Blockchain Ecosystem?

In 2018 at an ASPIRE event in Krakow, Pawel Pinio spoke about blockchain. It was the first time that we saw the heritage of blockchain in Poland:

Since the ‘early’ days of blockchain in Poland things have progressed. One of the leading startups in Poland is a blockchain firm, Ramp Network. Ramp is a global financial technology company building solutions that connect the crypto economy with today’s financial infrastructure. The firm was established in 2018.

Other firms that lead the blockchain space in Poland include Golem Network. Golem is a decentralized platform that transforms the way we access and share computational resources. The company can trace its roots to 2014. But really started to become popular in 2018 when Brass Golem became one of the first apps to be launched on the Ethereum mainnet.

Another leading firm is DoxyChain. The company is revolutionizing digital credentials and certificates landscapes with its proprietary blockchain solution. It was created in 2019.

How many blockchain developers are based in Poland?

There may be a total of 2,100 people listed on LinkedIn who have blockchain mentioned on their profiles. But this won’t really give you a picture of the market. There are just under 300 who mention DLT on their profiles.

With blockchain, there are programming languages that are specifically for blockchain developers. Consider Solidity, which is an object-oriented programming language created by the Ethereum Network team for constructing and designing smart contracts on blockchain platforms.

Rust, Java, Go, Ruby, Python and C++ are some of the other top programming languages used for blockchain development today. 1,100 people are listed as having ‘blockchain developer’ on their profile on LinkedIn. A more realistic number.

They work for a host of different companies including Tokenguard, Rumble Fish, Lukka, Uniqly, Cardinal Cryptography, The Sandbox, One company sticks out though, there is a few blockchain developers who work for Poland’s leading bank, PKO Bank Polski.

Whilst some of the developers in Poland work remotely for clients located abroad, some also work locally. The ecosystem is growing. And it is starting to include more and more financial institutions.

How many job listings are there for blockchain developers in Poland?

For those of you who expect there to be a lot of demand for blockchain developers in Poland today, you will be disappointed., Poland’s leading website currently only lists 10 roles for blockchain developers. Ramp Network and BlockWise are some of the firms advertising for talent.

Glassdoor lists a total of 60 blockchain developer roles currently. Neti, Pragmatic Coders and Binance are some of the companies listing roles there. Whilst the future will need professionals with blockchain knowledge, the popularity of all things DLT in Poland today is not what one might hope.

What events are focused on blockchain in Poland?

Events are a different topic. ETHWarsaw is probably the biggest Web3 and blockchain event in Poland today. It takes place in Warsaw between the 5th and 8th of September. In the meantime there are meetups every few months listed on ETHWarsaw too.

There is no shortage of events for blockchain enthusiasts in Poland. There is a Women in Web3 ecosystem too with its own events. Just google them or go on to to find out more.

One of our favourites at Verita HR is a networking meetup in Krakow called Cryptonite. An event that we hope to help make even popular in Poland’s second city.

Which recruitment business in Poland has the most experience in blockchain?

In 2018 Verita HR was the first recruitment business in Poland to list a blockchain developer role on its site. This dovetailed with our company’s supporting of what was called “Warsaw Block”. A series of events organized by Grant Blaisdell and the team at Coinfirm. Events to help promote Poland as a hub for all things blockchain.

This movement was pivotal in creating today’s burgeoning blockchain ecosystem. It was where we first heard about Golem, and other leading companies from across Central Eastern Europe.

It has also led to a level of competence and understanding within the Verita HR recruitment team. A level that is second to none in the Polish market.

If you want to find a company that truly understands what Web3 means and how to source talent in the metaverse, look no further. Contact the specialists at Verita HR today.

#Blockchain #DLT #Ethereum #Solidity #BlockchainDeveloper #Golem #Ramp #Coinfirm #Lukka #VeritaHR

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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
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Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
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Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: