What you need to know about People, Talent, and the Future of Jobs
Why you must have a Candidate Recommendation Program
Are you aware of the benefits of a candidate recommendation program? Does your recruitment partner have a process for candidates to ‘Refer a Friend’?
Why your Recruiter is more than just your Pen Pal
What are the benefits of meeting your recruiter in person? Is your recruiter more than just your pen pal?
Should your Recruiter be a Social Media Influencer?
Find out more about Verita HR and the way that our HR projects co-ordinators embrace content and social media. They are recruiters who are also social media influencers.
Who is the Most Impactful Leader of the Polish Recruitment Industry?
Today the Polish recruitment industry is a renowned success. But who is the Most Influential Leader of the Polish recruitment industry?
The 12th Annual CEE Business Services Summit & Awards
Save the Date. The 12th Annual CEE Business Services Summit & Awards this March in Warsaw and why you should be there. The best forum for Business Services. Book the 6th and 7th of March in your diary today.
How much do the CEOs of the biggest companies in Poland earn?
Today we focus our story on how much the CEOs of the biggest companies in Poland earn. Are they appropriate? Are there any salaries that stick out?
Which companies are recruiting artificial intelligence specialists in Poland today?
Talented Artificial Intelligence Specialists are being looked for in Poland. International companies need Data Scientists. Verita HR recruitment solution.
What Jobs are growing in Popularity in 2024?
According to a recent report from LinkedIn the skill sets for jobs will change a huge 65% by 2030 globally. A total of 25 roles are highlighted in the report, but not all of them are about automation or artificial intelligence.
What about the role of HR Director? Is
The Most Important Jobs in Finance in 2024 that YOU need to know about
Auditors, Finance Analysts, Finance Managers are all in demand still and dominate the finance vacancies advertised online today.
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