Who are Verita HR’s Gold Candidates and Why?

Strona główna » Who are Verita HR’s Gold Candidates and Why?

When you think of the word ‘Gold’ it brings up thoughts of riches, treasure, and luxury. And, since the advent of modern recruitment techniques, the candidate experience is supposed to offer the same feelings to applicants for jobs. Especially if the candidates are exceptional. Today we wanted to write more about these ‘exceptional’ candidates and about who Verita HR’s gold candidates are and why.

Since the inception of the Verita HR group of companies in 2010 the markets have changed. The candidates that the recruitment team at Verita HR were looking for at the outset of the 2010s is not the same today. The rise of digital transformation, and more recently artificial intelligence, are just some of these changes.

What has remained constant during this time is the commitments that Verita HR’s HR project co-ordinators make to candidates. These commitments are:

  • Time to discuss your requirements and agree an action plan
  • A contact schedule agreed with you from the outset
  • Honesty about your opportunities and prospects
  • 4 hour response to all enquiries
  • Confidentiality
  • Full briefing before interviews
  • An agreed timescale for interview feedback
  • Total commitment to diversity in the workplace

What is a Gold Candidate?

Many years ago when Verita HR first opened its doors on ul. Leszno in Warsaw, it’s teams wanted to give something back. Regular workshops were held for people of all works of life who wanted to learn more about how to build their careers. Several recruiters and leaders from Verita HR coached groups of up to 25 people week in and week out on how best to find work. Interestingly, very few of them really understood how recruitment businesses worked. They seemed to think that there was no end of companies who were keen to take on recommended candidates. Even for free. This was the first problem that often needed to be addressed during the workshops.

Another challenge was discussing some of the people on the market who have had an ideal career path. You know the ones. The ones who always get the job they want. The ones who seem to land on their feet wherever they are. Verita HR used the example of Joanna Malinowska-Parzydlo (sis/hood), a lady who once interviewed sales people at SEAT motors in Piastow, near Warsaw. Fast forward a few years and Joanna was interviewing some of the most prestigious Polish TV stars in her role as head of HR at TVN. She certainly seemed to have landed on her feet.

Joanna isn’t the only one who has achieved this. Others like Tai Tran are also good examples. One of Tai’s first jobs in California was working in content at Apple. Since then he has worked at Forbes and most recently at Airbnb, where Tai is currently Head of Strategy. A very young chap who has done extremely well very quickly.

Is it just about luck? Or is there more behind the stories of Joanna and Tai? Either way they are both examples of ‘Gold Candidates’. The type of person whom you meet, and you simply know. You know that they will do well. They ooze success. Everybody wants to hire them.

What Types of Gold Candidates is Verita HR able to help?

You cannot help everybody. Many new recruiters in the industry need a bit of time to learn this. One of the problems is when a candidate has been out of work for a period of more than three months. Recruitment agency clients don’t like this type of candidate. If they must pay a recruitment fee, then the client only wants the best. And gaps in CVs often point to somebody who is undecided, or even unlucky. Neither of which are good traits.

But for those candidates who have a continuous and logical career path, things are different. And ideally those who have managed to stay in the private sector during their careers. There is an abundance of opportunity.

At Verita HR the teams specialize in recruiting many talented professions. However, the ones that the HR Project Co-ordinators are best at recruiting in 2024 are the ones listed below.

Some of these roles have back-links in case you wanted to check out more about the market these roles operate within:

  1. Solutions Architect
  2. Head of Engineering
  3. Full Stack
  4. Blockchain Developer
  5. Cloud Lead
  6. Technology Sales Manager
  7. Quantitative Analyst
  8. Cybersecurity Specialist
  9. DevOps Engineer
  10. Data Scientist
  11. Transition Manager
  12. Operational Risk Analyst
  13. Python Developer
  14. HR Director
  15. Talent Acquisition Specialist
  16. Accounting / Customer Service with European Languages like Dutch, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, and others

What does Verita HR offer Gold Candidates?

At Verita HR all candidates are treated equally. Each of them is offered the standard commitments as listed above. However, if you are one of the candidates who is working in one of the roles listed above then the chances are that the Verita HR recruitment team can do more. Not because other candidates are not good. The reason is that the Verita HR recruitment team simply knows the markets that the gold candidates work in better.

Recruitment professionals must be specialists in the markets that they operate within. Expecting a recruiter to know how to find a warehouse operative a role when that recruiter specializes in tech doesn’t work. On the same basis the recruitment teams at Verita HR have been given substantial training for them to better understand finance, banking, and human resources. As well as technologies and what developers do with java, C++, C# and a myriad of other languages. They are specialists at working with professionals who are listed above. For the HR project co-ordinators to develop their skills they cannot allow themselves to be a jack of all trades. They must focus on a small amount of industry sectors.

What can a Gold Candidate expect?

At Verita HR there is a database of over 10,000 companies. Most of them are from the finance, banking, or technology sector, but not only. There are also leading electronics companies, startups, financial services and payments, some cosmetics companies. Even companies from the HVAC, tobacco, or oil and gas sectors.

But. If you have strong experience working in some of the large financial shared service centres in Poland. Then you should get in touch. Especially if you need to know more about your opportunities and chances.

Verita HR is a member of ASPIRE – Association of IT & Business Process Services Companies and regularly attends The Annual CEE Business Services Summit & Awards. Additionally, Verita HR also publishes the renowned Portal Branży HR i Biznesu (magazynrekruter.pl). This newswire has the largest readership of recruitment and talent specialists in Poland today. Many human resources professionals also follow Magazyn Rekruter. They also attend the annual Wieczor Rekrutera event that has been taking place since November 2010.

Finally, Verita HR works closely with Disruption Banking | Global Banking & Fintech News Publication which is currently the ninth most prestigious Fintech newswire in the world. Working with the editorial team at DisruptionBanking the teams at Verita HR have access to technology and banking leaders in Poland and across the world. Meaning that gold candidates get more than just a Polish perspective to their career prospects.

Does your recruitment partner work with the best candidates in the market? Do you want to talk to the specialists at Verita HR to find out more?

Verita HR offers services including RPO | Permanent Recruitment | Outsourcing | Media Services

If you are a gold candidate looking for a job, then click here.

#VeritaHR #Commitments #GoldCandidates #Banking #Technology #Finance #HumanResources #Talent

See Also:

Web3 Recruiting: Why You Need More Than Just a Blockchain Expert – Verita HR

Beyond Just Hiring: The Commitments Your Recruitment Partner Should Make to You – Verita HR

Why your Recruiter is more than just your Pen Pal – Verita HR

Should your Recruiter be a Social Media Influencer? – Verita HR

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Formularz dla kandydata

Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.:
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.:

Formularz dla pracodawcy

Administratorem danych osobowych jest Verita HR Polska Sp. z o.o. oraz HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu udzielnie odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie przez formularz kontaktowy. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych, w tym o celach i prawach dostępne jest w Polityce prywatności.
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w Verita HR Sp. z o.o.:
Inspektor Danych Osobowych w HRO Personnel Sp. z o.o.: